WHOSE WAVES? – A floating installation by Ettie Spencer on the
sea in front of Cockenzie Power Station, East Lothian, Scotland . Commissioned for the
3Harbours Festival 2010, it remained in place for two weeks in June 2010. http://www.3harbours.co.uk/
- This temporary, site-specific work ( funded by East Lothian council) situated outside the
traditional gallery setting, allowed accessibility to a wider and very different audience and was seen by many passers by.
Documentation of the project was shown at an exhibition at the John Grey Centre in Haddington East Lothian in May 2013. See more by following this link:

Documentation of the project was shown at an exhibition at the John Grey Centre in Haddington East Lothian in May 2013. See more by following this link:
A visually stimulating
piece, WHOSE WAVES? invited an
engagement with environmental issues and the power of the sea. The question
raised general issues about ownership of the elements and responsibility for
the planet.